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The customer is responsible for leveling the sight on which the structure is to be built. If the customer does not have the site leveled the construction team provided by Roberts Ranch will rent the proper equipment as they deem necessary to level the construction site.
The expenses for the rented equipment will be added to the original quote provided to the customer. Keep in mind that the original quote is an estimate and other unforeseen expenses may be charged. Roberts Ranch will do their best to stay as close to the original calculated estimate.
If the customer does not want the construction team provided by Roberts Ranch to level the area the customer is responsible to level the site by other means before Roberts Ranch builds.
If a customer no longer wants to proceed with the build, due to expenses involved with leveling the ground. Roberts Ranch will provide the customer with all documentation for the construction of their DIY KIT. Customers will be responsible for any fees that were charged to Roberts Ranch to come out on the build. Fees could include hotel, fuel, and time spent.
We recommend the customer checks the soil at the desired construction site, to determine how rocky the ground is. We do our best to avoid digging, but for the security and the strength of the structure, if it is determined to dig holes for the integrity of the structure Roberts Ranch will add 25$ to each hole that is dug, during and throughout the build.
If Roberts Ranch rents equipment for the holes that are dug or leveling for the build. The customer takes full responsibility and will be charged if rented equipment is damaged in the process of digging or leveling.
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